Barbara Blackburn
 Barbara Blackburn
Barbara Blackburn
RPG author
I have been the assistant editor of Kenzer and Company's Knights of the Dinner Table magazine for 10 years. During that time, I have also assisted in the writing of the company's gaming books for Hackmaster the Role-Playing Game and Aces & Eights Western Role-Playing Game. I got a Bachelor of Arts' degree in English when I was 21, always desiring to become an author. Two years later, when I hadn't written a best seller, I joined the Army as a journalist thinking it would be good for my writing. Running around a track before the sun comes up didn't exactly give me any confidence in this choice, but years later I can see that I learned a lot from my time in the Army, mostly about discipline. After I left the Army, I worked for the Army as a civilian journalist on the Army newspaper The Fort Jackson Leader, working alongside mostly soldiers at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. I have been helping with the comic/magazine Knights of the Dinner Table and it has become a huge part of my life. I live with my husband, the creator of this publication and Vice President of the company, and my dog Violet, a true inspiration. Two and a half years ago, our only child Amber passed away from complications of her lifelong cerebral palsy disability. Her absence is strongly felt, but so is her inspiration, which will always be with me. My favorite authors are John Steinbeck, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, Rachel Held Evans, Philip Yancey, and Charles Dickens.